What do you know about the Men’s Conference that takes place at undisclosed locations around the globe on Valentine’s Day, or around major public holidays seasons?
Is it too much? Is it too little?
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Apparently, the Men’s Conference takes place every year around Valentine’s Day or around major public holidays seasons. It could start some days before, run through Valentine’s Day/ Holidays Seasons, and last a few days after the day. Men are ‘supposed’ to ‘disappear’ on the eve of the Lovers’ Day (the epitome of the Love Season) and come back way past Valentine’s Day/ Holiday Seasons; effectively saving themselves from all the pressure that comes with the Love Season and holidays; gifting, presence, effort, basically the whole shebang. For other men, it is just a nice excuse to abdicate their responsibilities on the day, just as they have been doing.
Whatever the reasons, Men’s conference is something worth exploring for it is not without consequences. Consequences to the men who choose to go. Consequences for the men who choose not to go. Consequences for the lovers who are abandoned. Consequences for society/ the public. Consequences for innocent third parties.
Is it right or wrong? Who is to blame? Men? Women? Society/ the public?
Get the Book- Men’s Conference – Here – Click Here to Read the entire Book
“Every force has an equal and opposite reaction” That’s Newton’s Third Law of Motion and it applies to our actions as human beings.
The more we push/ pressure people, the more resistance they give. That resistance, while it may serve some people well temporarily, it comes at a cost to those people or to others. SOMEBODY IS GOING TO GET HURT!
Let’s say that one more time, dramatically this time, “somebady gon get hurt”
Our actions over the Love Season or Holiday Seasons are NOT WITHOUT Consequences – Maggie’s DIY
Freedom of Choice? We are free to choose but we are not free from the consequences of our actions.
Whatever the reasons, Men’s conference is something worth exploring for it is not without consequences. Consequences to the men who choose to go. Consequences for the men who choose not to go. Consequences for the lovers who are abandoned. Consequences for society/ the public. Consequences for innocent third parties.
You can get the Book- Men’s Conference – Here
This book is part of the BROKEN BY LOVE SEASON series. Other books in this series include:
You can find more details on each of these ebooks inside the FREE prologue; it’s the first book of the series Broken by Love Series- just click download and enjoy reading it.
1.Prologue (FREE on both Kobo and Amazon). It gives the context for the series and A BIT MORE CONTENT/ DESCRIPTION OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS, including a link to EACH of the BOOKS)
2.Ghosted (Book 1) – Janine’s Story
3.Ghosted (Book 2) – Ken’s story
4.Love Season Red Flags: What to expect before, during, and after the Love Season and Holiday seasons
5.Healing from Love Trauma: How to Cope with being duped
6.The Pressure: Expectations on men and women during the holidays and Love Season
7.Valentine’s Day and Men’s Conference: The Pressure is On!
8.Valentine’s Day – A Woman’s Affair! Is It?
9.Moving On: Planning your Life/ Pursuit of Dreams- Have a Plan
10.The Negative Impact of Societal Pressure on people during holidays and Love Season
11.Way Forward: What must we do as individuals and as a society?
I am Maggie’s DIY – bringing you this Series on Broken by Love Season.