Your Coach: Choosing your Life Coach

The success of any coaching process is greatly influenced by the relationship you have with your coach. Trust, professionality, confidentiality, a safe space, openness, and non-judgmental are key prerequisites for fruitful coaching. Do not feel like you have to vibe with just any coach just because s/he comes recommended by person A or B. It is important that you choose your coach wisely and NOT feel pressured. It is for this reason that most coaches will offer some minutes of free consultation (called chemistry call) where both of you can have an initial knowing-each-other session to establish whether you are okay working with each other, and if so, how to proceed. Just because you do not feel okay with a coach or the coach is not in a position to continue working with you doesn’t mean that either of you is bad; both of you can still find other matches for you. It’s like preferring tea over coffee or any other beverage. It doesn’t make the other beverages less beverage-y (if there’s such a word).
Factors Influencing your choice of a coach
In my experience, I find that different people prefer different things/ qualities/ traits from a coach. Personally, I found out that my requirements for a coach are first and foremost empathy, the ability to listen, reflecting back to me (putting my random thoughts into a more organized format that allows me to sort out each idea with the importance due it), and sharing tools of processing/ addressing some of the specific issues I had. The coach, for me, doesn’t have to have had similar life experiences to mine or expertise in everything I dreamt of pursuing; just being present and walking with me (oh, and the accountability and cheerleading bit) was enough to help me process so much with excellent results. Shout out to my coach. We are worlds apart but she gets me and she’s amazing.
Other people prefer coaches who are more or less like them; with similar backgrounds, experiences, expertise, etc. and that is absolutely okay.

NB: You do not need to have everything figured out when seeking a coach (that’s what coaching will help you figure out); you are not being interviewed or assessed and if your coach makes you feel this way; leave. Make sure that during your first consultation meeting (whether free or not) you get to assess the atmosphere, the kind of person your coach is, whether or not you feel safe talking to him/ her, etc. If everything feels okay with you, you can then discuss how you want to proceed; the duration and frequency of future sessions, your role and your coach’s role, and everything else you feel you need to discuss with your coach for future coaching sessions.
Duration of Life Coaching
This could be a few or many sessions. Of course, you are free to keep your coach for as long as you want and let go only when you achieve the goal(s) you envisioned or start seeing your coach again to work on other aspects. Depending on your goals, you may also choose to have one coach at a time (perhaps an expert in something specific you need- especially if you need technical guidance on a certain field/ niche-).
Whereas Life doesn’t come with a manual, YOU DESERVE TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE, and YOU CAN through some of the resources (posts, videos…) we share on this platform. We
- Figure out how to identify and make the best of our talents/ privileges, strengths, etc. –
- Figure out how to work through or overcome Challenges, Limiting Beliefs, weaknesses, Under-privilege, etc. –
- Increase our AWARENESS of self and the physical/ social environment and learn how to deal with our environment (especially the social environment) to Improve our Quality of Life and Reach our Highest Potential
This is a safe space; we have fun, we sharpen/ build each other, we cry together, and we celebrate together.
As a Life Coach, Here’s My Promise to You:

- I will give you a professional, safe, friendly, and confidential space to process the aspects of your life you wish to work on.
- I will share with you my wealth of professional knowledge and tools (tailored to your specific needs and life goals/ objectives), to unlock your potential and come up with a great plan that can help you work towards your goals.
- I will walk with you and be your accountability partner and cheerleader so that the pursuit of your goals is less-overwhelming and manageable to you in terms of time, physical, emotional, and financial resources, as well as your pace.
- I do not give you any cliché solutions (one-size-fits-all) out there, but rather work with you to figure out your needs and goals, hence a personalized strategic plan for you.
– Free first (consultation) session of 40 minutes:
-Coaching Duration: 75 minutes per session
Book your first free session here
Read more about
- What Life Coaching is and what it is not — HERE:
- The Importance of Life Coaching: getting the guidance and support that you need
- Life Coaching: Process, sessions, details, format…
- Who a Life Coach is (and is not), and how to choose Your Best Coach