eBook 1: GHOSTED (Janine’s Story)

When Janine met him, the stars couldn’t have aligned better for them. In fact, she thought she saw the real cupid (the cute pink thing with a bow, arrow, and the whole shebang) hovering over them. The clouds in the sky had even formed an image of them in their wedding attire and dotted their names with shiny stars. What could go wrong? (This story continues in GHOSTED 2 – Janine’s Story… get details inside this ebook).
eBook 2: GHOSTED – Ken’s Story
If love was the metric for a beautiful life, then Ken was winning at it. He had loving parents and siblings, a beautiful and pregnant wife, amazing friends and colleagues, and everywhere he went, he found favor. But life is a combination of many things, isn’t it? Ken would find out just how complex life could get when, at his colleague’s Ph.D. graduation party, he met the most gorgeous female he’d ever seen in real life, in movies, or even in his dreams. His boots were not knocked off him immediately, but a series of events would change his life forever. (This story continues in GHOSTED 1 – Ken’s Story — details inside this Prologue book)
Men’s Conference and Valentine’s Day

The secretive Men’s Conference, surrounding every Valentine’s Day, sounds like a creative idea. What with the undisclosed agenda and the undisclosed venues around the globe? Is it really an actual meeting or an excuse to flee from the pressures of the Love Season. (Find you out more)
The above are some of what you will find in this series (Broken by Love Season)
Love ought to be a good thing, but often, it’s most people’s nightmare. Let’s talk about the Love Season (the period around Valentine’s Day) or the Holidays when the pressure to have and exhibit LOVE goes through the roof. This pressure has ruined many good relationships, forced people to hook up (and break hearts) for the wrong reasons, forced people to overstay in abusive relationships, and of course, there are numerous stories that begin with the LOVE SEASON or Holidays.
Series: Broken by Love Season

This series (BROKEN BY LOVE SEASON) takes you through a detailed journey that the expectations and behavior surrounding the Love Season and Holidays brings. I hope that by sharing these live examples, you will feel safe in your skin and refuse to succumb to pressure around things that are not good for you. That we can all be more careful and sensitive towards other people’s situations. As you laugh and cry, and experience different emotions throughout each book, I hope that you can find gratitude in your life, comfort in your pain (if you have been through some of the shared experiences), and get tips to heal from love trauma and move on to make your life great again (or greater than before).
Series’ Books – You can Get Them All Here
THE Following BOOKS are part of THIS SERIES (BROKEN BY LOVE SEASON), and you can choose only the one(s) you are excited to read.
1. Prologue (This specific mini-book. It has provided the context for the series and A BIT MORE CONTENT/ DESCRIPTION OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS, including a link to EACH of the BOOKS)
2. Ghosted (Book 1) – Ken’s story
3. Ghosted (Book 2) – Janine’s Story
4. The Pressure: Expectations on men and women during the holidays and Love Season
5. Valentine’s Day and Men’s Conference: The Pressure is On!
6. Valentine’s Day – A Woman’s Affair! Is It?
7. Beware 1! What to Expect and how to protect yourself during the Love Season and Holidays
8. Beware 2! What to expect when Love Season and Holidays Ends
9. How to Cope with being duped: Healing from Love Trauma
10. Moving On: Planning your Life/ Pursuit of Dreams- Have a Plan
11. The Negative Impact of Societal Pressure on people during holidays and Love Season
12. Way Forward: What must we do as individuals and as a society?
You can find more details on each of these ebooks inside this ebook.
I am Maggie’s DIY – bringing you this Series on Broken by Love Season